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Parenting in the Digital Age Webinar

12th November from 6 - 7.30pm

In collaboration with Wallingford School and other local primary schools, we have organised for parents the following event.

Parenting in The Digital Age webinar on 12th November from 6 - 7.30pm, including time for audience discussion. 

A quarter of 5-7yr olds already have a smartphone in the UK! Based on the latest research and findings,  speakers will share up to date information as well as practical advice and ideas about how to keep our children and teenagers connected but safe in a digital world. This is relevant for all parents. The time to be armed with this information is at primary school, not as they start year 7.

Whether your child already owns a smartphone or it is something you are thinking about in the future, this talk is for you.

Attendees can register for the webinar via the Eventbrite link in the attached  poster. You will then be sent a link to the Zoom mtg a few days before the 12th. This enables us to send out information leaflets after the talk itself, as well to predict number of attendees.